Monday, 5 October 2009

The death of mainstream newspaper vending

As much as,i have so much sympathy for the sometimes vulnerable and destitute newspaper vendors - it is time to raise our eyebrows ,as journos and see where the world of new media is leading us to.Or can i blame the recent announcement,that The London Evening standard newspaper is gonna be free for all - to its acquisition by a former KGB Russian billionaire.Or is it due to the mediascape which has been deviously changing the course and dynamics of how we in the media used to conventionally do things.

Surely,the newspaper vendors will soon be out of sight and journos might be in for a rude awakening. The apparent unmitigated reason for disposing The London Evening standard newspaper,is due to a marketing gimmirck by the Russian. To boost circulation, so we are told. And the enormous production costs will apparently be paid for by the somehow ambitious advertisers.

In principle, all newspapers might follow suit ,but what are the probable repurcations to such a move, especially to journalists and vendors alike?If i were to be pragmatic then,i suppose that move will leave many of us out of mainstream media. The internet is being blamed for the shift in the way, media corporations operate but will relying on advertising revenue only be the panacea to this dilemma. I wonder.

Will have to wait and see where technology is driving our illustrious profession!But the future for vendors and journos look gloom and this somehow takes the gloss off our profession.That's just my view

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