Are semites victims of their own creation or are they orphans of a misconception, regarding their utopian hereditary background?,I wonder.I felt compelled to use the word, utopian because,the arabic translation of the word semite,refers to something noble and majestic.And to put in muchokomanian terms, a custodian of the heavens, with a privilege to report to God - the father directly,with no intercessors in-between.In direct audience with God,i meant.
Was Alfred Dreyfus a victim of circumstances in France? or was his case the bonfire that led to the spread of anti-semitism?.If so what role did Edouard Drumont play or was he merely a decoy in the conspiracy theories that led to the extermination of so many innocent souls?
Now bear with me, as i dismantle conspiracies of doom.
Having defeated France in the war of 1870, Otto Von Bismarck's predominant aim in foreign policy was to isolate France, thus unabling it to wage a war for the recovery of the lost province of Alsace Lorraine.He did this in a typical Bismarckian manner by signing the Dreikaiserbund treaty.This treaty consisted of Germany,Austria-Hungary and Russia.Since France was now in abject isolation,there was so much polarisation against the government,especially in Paris.Bismarck's policies were so sophisticated that the peace treaty with France included ,a triumphal entry into Paris.The resentment of the bandits/militia in Paris grew to such an extent that they took over the entire council and implimented a social democratic ideology - Paris commune,which only lasted two months,before being murdered by the goverment troops.
This culmination of events led to a conspiracy against the jews(semites).France had lost national pride - a defeat against Prussia,the near Coup De tat - by the national guard(Paris commune), and general public disapproval.
Alfred Dreyfus,who was charged with treason for allegedly disposing military secrets to the German Embassy,would have obviously been convicted using circumstancial evidence.His prominent visits to a Prussian suburb and being of a jewish origin,made him the probable suspect.Some native French soldiers found him arrogant because,he never bothered to learn French.
Thank Goodness Emile Zola,an Italian who adopted French naturalisation wrote a very provocative article Jaccuse,directly addressed to the head of the government.The birth of investigative journalism,meant Dreyfus would survive another day in court after being exonerated.My gut-feeling is, Zola did not act unanymously in exposing the flawed case outline against Dreyfus by the Martial court prosecution.George Clemencue,who later became the German leader might have instigated the move to propel his own political agenda.That's just the muchokomanian way of thinking.
I would be naive,if i were to assume that anti-semitism started with the Dreyfus affair!If you open your bible,to those who believe,you will see that Jesus himself rebuked the Jews,after they vehemently rejected him.Historically,when christianity became the state religion of Rome,in the 4th century jews became objects of religious and political oppression.Christians believed that Jesus was brutally murdered, through the insistance of the jews.Even Emperor Constantine 1,instituted several laws to supress 'God's chosen people'.
You might wanna visit for some mind-boggling conspiracy theories.Word of warning though, only aspiring philosophers should do so at their own risk - you might never see the world the way everyone sees it again.