Thursday, 1 January 2009

Time for colonial powers to redress the mess they created in Africa

As much as it hurts to say it,Africa needs neo-colonial remedies to bring sanity to the depleted continent.The Congo crisis is not immune to international intervention either – Zimbabwe included.What we must embrace is the fact that ,the legacy of ,divide and rule by the former colonial masters will remain embedded in the memories of those who were lucky to fight for liberty.Generations will inevitably continue to inherit the philosophy that a Hutu will never become a Tutsi.Africa alone will not dispense itself from this unequivocally hypnotised heritage.

There is a saying that goes ‘fake it until you make it’.Africa have faked it via a consensus organisation called the AU and still failed to make it.Political dispensation in the Congo has been based on ethnicity.Lets cast our minds back to the Mobuto Sese Seko era.The draconian leader siphoned billions into foreign investment banks and companies without considering the masses ,who languished in poverty for over three decades.But guess what?Who dined and wined with him?The OAU by then and its accomplices.After his ‘purpet’governement was overthrown by Laurent Kabila,the heir to the throne was assassinated,widely attributed to his roots in Uganda.Historically African leaders do not voluntarily relinguish power.Those guilty are, Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, Angola’s Dos santos,Equatorial guinea’s Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo,and the father of all draconians Robert Mugabe.In principle all African constitutions advocate for democracy,but the implementation lies in the hands of those in power.Hence without the UN amending one of it’s controversial clauses,which depicts that ,No sovereign country shall be invaded,without the discretion of the security council – Africa will remain in limbo.The complex of the security council is the fact that countries like China and Russia can veto against any probable resolution to the political crisis in Africa.The reason they veto against, is very simple,they both have large business and exploration concessions with most of the draconians in power.

In retrospect,the Hutus massacred the Tutsis in the infamous Rwandan genocide of 1994,which left nearly 800 000 people dead and millions displaced in less than 100 days.General Nkunda a Tutsi by birth ,is ‘assumed’ to be protecting the Tutsis,who are regarded in that part of the world ,as the protestants.If the AU deliberately failed to bring sanity to Zimbabwe during the elections which are widely speculated to have been won by the MDC,How do we as a people expect them to resolve a civil war,that emanated from ethnic cleansing in a neighbouring country.

Common sense tells us that the impasse in Congo cannot be merely resolved by Africans alone.The Colonial masters need to provide the logistics,knowledge and platform for governments of national unity.Leaving the forces of democracy to resolve a civil war would be pure ignorance by the international community.It will be just like expecting the forces of demand and supply to resolve the credit crunch,without government intervention.

Last but not least the people who suffer are the innocent masses whilst Joseph Kabila basks in Armani suites at SADC conferences and General Nkunda enjoying the lime light in the mineral rich provinces of Congo

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