Saturday, 14 February 2009

Barbarians - either with us or with them

The lecture by Chris Horrie last week shows how knowledgeable the fellow is, with political sciences.Of course,it was exhilarating,proverbial and most importantly relevant, for purposes of our own understanding.For we are privileged to be part of his bandwagon.For when he speaks i take notice because Paul Manning exclusively told me that they hired Chris because of the reputation that follows him across the media fraternity.It has become apparent that i renounced my ignorance and pursued discipleship with his lectures from day one.

It was quite refreshing and intriguing to note that Charles Darwin - of all people,had a racist mentality.Whilst Britons across the United Kingdom were commemorating and celebrating the legendary scientist's birthday,i was muted with sullen.The theory of evolution,a topic that was a daily bread during my history lessons at the leafy and prestigious Pretoria Boys high.They don't look and speak like us,so they are Barbarians - a theorem he adopted from the ancient greek and roman emperors.Their skin is coloured,so they are still in progressive evolution to look like us.I heave a sigh of relief on the realisation that i am not a descendant of any ape you can dream of.The most controversial issue with the revered scientist's discoveries remain that of - why have we stopped evolving since he passed away 200years ago?The origin of species through natural selection - meaning through genetic variation(phenotypically and genotipically),states that we ,of the proud human race started off as apes,of Darwin's own creation and through gradual processes of change became who we are today.Of course racism might have been made in the ancient greek empire but it was perfected by Darwin and executed by every generation thereafter.Darwin might be excused for not using the word Barbarians but his propaganda theory is too suggestive.

It was interesting to note that William Shakespeare played a pivotal role in the political dispensation of the United Kingdom,through his phantom characters.Enoch Powell is renowned for saying 'The stage used to be called the court,now they call it a cabinet,but all the characters are in Shakespear....only the costumes date'.

As the lecture continued i was left greening with adoration for John Locke who was a father of democracy and in favour of a free market system - which Britain has since inherited.He felt that the poor were offered protection but what was protected belonged to the rich.This reminds me of the paradox of value,which states that although water is more important than diamonds,its value is less than that of diamonds because of scarcity.This analogy entails that the masses who are the main focus of the elected governments have to suffer whilst the economy is controlled by the minority.That's why i hate the free market system,today and forever more.

Synonymous with many a third world country ,was Henry Miller's(1891-1980) view that,one has to be a bit of a lowbrow,a bit of a murderer,to be a politician,ready and willing to see people sacrificed,slaughtered for the sake of an idea.Robert Mugabe,and fellow leaders of failed states proved that they embraced such an a mythical ideology - indeed they have slaughtered at will - while the world watches.

Chris Horrie believes Thomas Hobbes is one of Britain's greatest thinkers of all time and unfortunately this time i don't sympathise with his views.Thomas Hobbes believed in an all powerful hereditary sovereign.Typical of England where the all powerful queen is less active in the running of the government but is said to be the head of state.To Chris and Hobbes's reprieve - Monarch only works well in England and England alone.In Swaziland King Mswati is the head of the state and no opposition parties are allowed.Each year he is mandated to marry a virgin,hence on my count,he is on 15 wives this year ,since he seized power from his father King Sobhuza who had 88 wives at the time of his death.Monarch has failed in every other state that is not England.Spain pretends to have one but i don't consider it a monarch because of the relatively less influence it has on the state.

So from Machiavelli,Aristotle to Jean Rousseau - Renaissance,Reformation and Enlightment were born.

1 comment:

Test Blog said...

excellent work - please post more frequently. Please give more SA insights where possible because that is fascinating for me and a goldmine of extra insight and ways of looking at things for the whole group.